지금 (Jigeum) means “now” in Korean. The word is used as our company name to constantly remind us to be conscious in the present moment of time.

Embracing the Present

At Jigeum, being present means staying open to any idea or opportunity without bias or emotional influence. This state of mindfulness allows us to make more effective investment decisions.

Our Approach

We take a conscious and responsible approach to investing and value all incoming proposals with an open mind.

Who are we?

We are an investment holding company backed by a permanent pool of capital. We invest both directly and indirectly into asymmetric risk-return opportunities in especially future category leaders across asset classes.

Why work with us?

We work with an evergreen, flexible structure that is not constrained by typical mandates based on stage, sector, geography, or instrument. We are a founder-friendly, long-term neutral partner that aspire to grow with our community. We seek high integrity relationships and responsible investing.